hello mr.fredricksen. my name is russel :)

on 3 Agu 2009

LOL. anyone know about that simple funny sentences? oyeaah, it's UP. it's a movie that tell us about an old man that his dream is going to Paradise fall . His name is Carl Fredricksen. And in his trip, one cute kiddo named Russel that accompany him to the place that he wants to go. 

OMG, i was LOL sooo much when i watched that movie. it was sooo funny. you'll never regret it at all if you watch it. As same as the other disney's movie, in this story, they tell us about life messages. yeah, disney always make goooood movieees. intinya bukan film ecek-ecek. LOL. 

Oyea, gag cuma lucu aja, film ini juga ada sad scene pas akhirnya looh. tapi gag nangis-nagis gitu.  dalem deh pokoknya inti ceritanya. beneran gag bakalan nyesel kalo nonton.

Pesen yang gue dapet dari fil ini cuma 1.

Kalo udah punya impian, jangan pernah menyerah untuk mendapatkan apa yang kita impikan itu. walaupun dengan halangan atau rintangan sesulit apapun. 

Carl nunjukkin kita suatu kelebihan yang dia punya. yaitu, gag pernah putus asa. Ya ampun, tokoh kartun aja bisa gitu. Kita juga harus bia gitu dooong :)

okaay c ya in next posting,


on 22 Jul 2009

Mungkin buat semua orang di Indonesia udah tau kejadian Bom beberpa hari yang lalu di 3 tempat. Gue turut berduka cita buat semua para korban Bom, semoga di terima di sisi Allah s.w.t amiin :)

Gue bener-bener kaget yaa, tiba-tiba ada bom gitu. Malah pas lagi sama MU yang mau dateng ke Jakarta (ck, sabar ya buat temen-temen gue yang fans nya MU; aland, bolang, halid, dll).

Emang dasar itu TERORIS BANGSAT amat ! Maunya apa sih. Alasan Jihad yang waktu bom bali waktu itu. Jihad gimane wey mas. Gile apa ya dia. ck. Haloo mas-mas teroris yang TIDAK PUNYA OTAK ! Indonesia itu susah payah membangun kepercayaan masyarakat luar negeri. Kalo lo pada teroris orang Indonesia, bangga dong wooy ! mikiiir ! Indonesia itu cukup terkenal di wilayah internasional. Jangan dibikin susah lagi !

Hm, sekian cerita saya. Oiya bagi kalian yang punya twitter, follow this link pleaase :)

KAMI TIDAK TAKUT. We Are Not Araid. Fight against terrorism! Add red-white overlay to your avatar http://indonesiaunite.com #indonesiaunite

c yaa in next posting,
- arovilla :) -

bubye X 1 :( welcome XI IPS 1 :)

on 9 Jul 2009

Gue ngerasa kayaknya baru aja gue masuk SMA. Padahal sekarang gue udah kelas XI ! hahaha, gag kerasa deh bener2. Yaaah, walaupun gue gag sekelas sama semua temen2 gue di KRAYON, tapi yaa gue bakalan beradaptasi dengan baik. hehe, habis kata orang, masa SMA itu masa paling indah. Dan gue mau membuktikan kalo hal itu benar :)

Makasi banget buat besties & temen2 gue selama di
KRAYON, I you all sooooo much :') Semua anak2 KRAYON , sumpah gokil2 abis, gag ada matinyaaaa. Bakalan kangen banget punya temen2 kaya kaliaaaan. Semuanya saling ngelengkapin :) Semoga di kelas XI temen2 nya asik juga yaaa semuanyaaa :)

Hehe, dengan denger lagu ini aku akan ingat
KRAYON selalu. Really, I you all sooooooooooooooooo more than much :'(

KerisPatih – Sepanjang Usia

tak pernah ku bayangkan

tempati sisi hatimu yg kosong

jadi yg paling bahagia

dapati cinta itu

perlahan duka pun pergi

jauh tenggelam tinggalkan gundah

bertahun ku coba sendiri

berteman caci maki


takkan ku lepas lagi

kehadiranmu oh anugerah


sepanjang usia

kita trus bersama

mengarungi hidup dengan cinta

turut kehendakNya

sepanjang usia

ku tak mau terpisah

memberikan hatiku seutuhnya

hanya kepada dirimu

perlahan duka pun pergi

jauh tenggelam tinggalkan gundah

bertahun ku coba sendiri

berteman caci maki

repeat *

repeat reff

hanya kepadamu

repeat reff

c yaa in next posting :)

AKHIRNYA (datang juga) !

on 5 Jul 2009

haloohaloo readers, betapa kangennya saya dengan anda semuaaa, setelah berbulan-bulan tidak posting. saya cuma ingin memberitahukan kabar bahagiaaaaa :D


hahah, sekitar dua bulan lau sih, lambat banget ya guee. emang mungkin bener kata pepatah

"butuh waktu satu jam untuk mengenal seseorang, butuh waktu sebulan untuk mencintai seseorang dan butuh waktu seumur hidup untuk melupakan orang itu"

atau ya kurang lebih begitu. Tapi lebay amat ya sampe seumur hidup, kayaknya gag juga, gue dooong 7 bulan zz, lama juga. Intinya lah pokoknya ya, saya tidak ingin berurusan masalah percintaan dengan dia lagi, OGAH!

haha, okeoke, untuk menggetarkan rasa ke kangen an saya pada para readers, saya ingin mempersembahkan sebuah lagu dari PEE WEE GASKINS. yak, sekarang saya sedang suka band ini. Lain dari band imdonesia yang lain. ROCK meeeen.

Okeoe, let's sing the sooong :)

Di Balik Hari Esok

matahari jangan kau berpaling
biarkanlah terang kembali mengisi hariku
jangan kau berhenti
dan putar kembali
tak akan bisa kau ambil jantung ini
berhenti berdetak sampai kau disini kembali
putar waktu kembali

Kunyalakan tv dan tenggelam ku dilayar kaca
Membawaku kembali pada waktu itu
Ciuman pertama yang kau rasa
Semua berlalu tanpa terasa
Tak akan semua kembali seperti
Sedia kala disaat semua biasa saja
Membawamu kembali disampingku
Membawaku pergi bersama mu

Dan pastikan
Kau akan kembali
Tak akan bisa kau ambil jantung ini
Berhendi berdetak sampai kau disini kembali
Putar waktu kembali

Aku disini inginkan canda dan tawa
Teriak lepaskan beban terdalam
Belum waktuku ini waktumu bersinar

Okaaay c ya in next posting

lagi-lagi kamu, im :(

on 23 Mei 2009

Jarang-jarang gue suka lagu Indonesia nih..
Hmm, gue baru aja 10 menit yang lalu denger lagu ini..
Lumayan enak
Enaknya ya karena, ngingetin gue sama ex gue
Mungkin sebagian besar orang bilang:
"ah, ngapain sih lo nginget mantan lo! gag penting banget tau gag sih!"
"aduh pi, cowo gag cuma dia doang"
"yaelah, dia lagi dia lagi! buat apaan diinget2! nyakitin hati tau!"
and many comments.
tapi ya gitu, gue gag tau kenapa tetep aja inget sama itu orang :(
Lyla-Mantan Kekasih
aku terpaksa menangis
aku terpaksa merintih
cahayaku semakin redup
kau masih bisa ku lihat
suaramu masih ku dengar
namun kenyataan ini, mengharukan
seseorang disana telah memilikimu
aku kan berdosa bila merindukanmu

oh mantan kekasihku
jangan kau lupakan aku
bila suatu saat nanti kau merindukanku
datang… (cepat) datang padaku

geez, i miss you so much ex..

Cerita 20 juta :')

on 16 Mei 2009

oyaoyaaa, akhirnya gue jadi melakukan kedua hal lhoo. Main di turnamen dan ke DUFAN! hahahah, Walaupun pada akhirnya kalah di turnamen, tapi yang penting jadi pengalaman buat semuaaa ank2 basekt 28. Semoga lain kali berhasil yaaaa! Buat kakak2 kelas dan temen2 yang udah berjuan jangan nyeraaaaaaaah!

hm sebenernya topik kali ini bukan itu. Soo, back to the topic!

tadi pagi itu ada acara syukuran khitanan ade gue secara besar2an di rumah. Gue, Edwin sama Syanaz jadi penerima tamu gitu deh. Udah HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTnya kaya apaan tau stress banget dah. Gue makan berepa kali gag keitung. hahahah parahparah.

terus tadi gue juga sempet nyanyi2 gitu deh.hahaha. Ada aja yang muji gue. Padahal suara gue kaya kalena rombeng bebek kejepit pintu(i know it's lebaaaay, ahuahuaha)


hahahah gue males menceritakan secara detail. Ya pokoknya setelah acara selesai. yaa gue
jadi akuntan(amiiiiin), ngitung duit2 yang ade gue dapet.

setelah dihitung hitung

Jumlahnya sekitar..



kurang lebih 20.000.000!!!!!

rasanya gue mau nangius. pingin banget itu duit buat gueee. hahah gag maksud de. mungkin aja Allah ngasi jalan baik yang lain buta ngasi gue duit. hehehe.

tapi tetep aja gue ngiler benjeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!

oiaaa btw. acara nya gag cuma sekali, tapi 2 KALI!!!
jadi gag tau deh dia bakalan dapet berapa ahuahuahuah

Okaaay c ya in next posting :)

P.S: foto nyusul yaaa. hehehe insya Allah. Nyari kabel data duluu. ahuahuahua

a little too not over you

on 9 Mei 2009

kemaren yaa, dia sms gue lagi. gue gag tau harus ngapain. kalo gue gag bales rasanya gue ngebohongin diri gue sendiri, tapi kalau gue bales, rasa sayang gue ke dia malah makin tambah besar. intinya di sms itu, dia minta temenin sms-an. setengah hati gue bales dengan ucapan; "maaf ya, pulsaku udah mau abis.." padahal kenyataanya pulsa gue masih ada.

gue bener2 bingung. seharusnya gue ngapain. gue masih sayang sama dia, tapi gue gag mau rasa sayang itu bertambah lagi. karena malah bakalan susah buat "ngelupain" dia. padahal, gue sama dia cuma jalan sebulan, tapi kenapa lebih susah ngelupain semua kejadian tentang dia daripada sama mantan gue yang pernah jalan setahun lebih? Padahal dia gag ada bagus2nya. ganteng? engga. pinter? gag tau. bandel? iya. bengal? iya. hmm what makes me love him too much? ada temen gue orang bule bilang gini;

"..when you loves someone because his face, it means you love him, physically, when you love someone's heart or behaviour, it means you love the way he acts, but if you love someone with no reason, it means you love him with all of your heart whatever it is.."

rada ngebingungin buat gue, tapi rada nyambung sama cerita gue. :')

kadang kala, kalo malen gue dengerin lagunya david archuletta-A little too not over you malem2, gue nangis. gue gag ngerti tiba2 netes aja air mata gue. emang, gue keliatan banget melankolisnya, gampang nangis. gue ngerasa emang bener lagu itu. nunjukkin apa yang gue rasa sekarang ke dia.

A Little Too Not Over You
(eh eh eh oh eh eh eheh eh eh oh eh eh eh)
You never cross my mind at all
That's what I tell myself
What we had has come and gone
You're better off with someone else
It's for the best, I know it is
But I see you
Sometimes I try to hide
What I feel inside
And I turn around
You're with him now
I just can't figure it out
Tell me why
You're so hard to forget
Don't remind me
I'm not over it
Tell me why
I can't seem to face the truth
I'm just a little too not over you
(eh eh eh oh eh eh eh)
Not over you
(eh eh eh oh eh eh eh)
Supposed to fade
What's wrong with my heart?
Shake it off, let it go
Didn't think it be this hard
Should be strong
Moving on
But I see you
Sometimes I try to hide
What I feel inside
And I turn around
You're with him(her for me :p)now
I just can't figure it out
Tell me why
You're so hard to forget
Don't remind me
I'm not over it
Tell me why
I can't seem to face the truth
I'm just a little too not over you
Maybe I regret
Everything I said
No way to take it all back, yeah
Now I'm on my own
How I let you go
I'll never understand
I'll never understand
Yeah, oooh, oooh, oooh
Oooooooh Oh
Ooooh, oh
Tell me why
You're so hard to forget
Don't remind me
I'm not over it
Tell me why
I can't seem to face the truth
I'm just a little too not over you
Tell me why
You're so hard to forget
Don't remind me
I'm not over it
Tell me why
I can't seem to face the truth
And I really don't know what to do
I'm just a little too not over you
(eh eh eh oh eh eh eh)
Not over you(eh eh eh oh eh eh eh)
*him diganti sama her :p
P.S : I ♥ you sooo much mr. bad boy :')
okaaay c ya in next posting :')


yaaaak, sekarang ada lagi website yang related sama social life.

lumayan mirip sama plurk. jadi kita kaya nge-update kita lagi ngapain aja. tapi gue lebih seneng twitter. Gimana ya..kita gag perlu nge-update terus dan gag perlu khawatir tentang karma gitu kaya plurk. Udah gitu, asiknya penghuni twitter kebanyakan artis2 luar negeri. Jadi kita bisa tau HOTTEST UPDATES mereka sampe kegiatan mereka sehari2. Ahuahua, seru banget deh pokoknya. hayo hayo siapa yang punya twitter?? follw gue yaaa. arovilla/divy sierra decendra
sistemnya itu followers sama following. Jadi kita bisa follow orang kalo kita mau tau tentang update-an mereka sehari2. nah tapi mereka belum tentu follow kita dan gag tau status updates kita apa aja. Jadi kalo mau menurut gue exchange aja, kaya gue sama temen2 gue. Tapi kalau buat aris luar negeri biasanya kita doang yang follow mereka. Jarang banget dari mereka yang follow kita. bukannya sombong.

lumayan berterima kasih

gue lumayan seneng sekolah gue ngasih liburan buat murid2nya. hmm.
tapi niatnya sih emang bukan liburan. di surat pemberitahuan, kata LIBUR aja diganti sama kata BELAJAR DI RUMAH. Emang sebenernya sekolah gue gag pernah niat ngasi BENER2 LIBURAN buat muridnya. Buktinya hari ini, yang harusnya hari minggu, gue sama temen2 gue malah bakal bikin PR SOSIOLOGI. Hmm, dan lo semua harus tahu, PR nya GAG CUMA 1!!!. Ada pelajaran SENI, SOSIOLOGI, BAHASA INDONESIA, CINEM sama BIOLOGI(tambahan buat gue) kan tetep aja. gue kesel setengah mampus. gue sama temen2 gue aja udah males gitu mau ngerjain.

KAPAN SI YEE TUH ORANG NGASI BENER2 LIBUR BUAT SEMUA MURIDNYA? Harusnya, gue di sekolah udah gag belajar lagi karena bahannya udah habis. and FYI, KITA HARUS pelajarin bahasan pelajaran kelas 11. hmm weirdoooooooooooooooo. !!! Mana tau kita IPS atau IPA malah dipelajarin semua. yaaa, gue sama yang lain cuma bisa pasrah. udah lumyana bersyukur karena udah dikasih libur. makasih ya pak.

Oke gue gag mau menjelek2an sekolah gue terlalu over. bagaimanapun juga, disitu tetep tempat gue belajar buat jadi yang lebih baik.

Okaay c ya in next posting :0

Prepare for Nasakom ][ Birthday girl!!

on 8 Mei 2009

Nasacom (atau nasakom) udah di depan mata!! Hari pertama katanya sekolah gue bakal lawan PSKD. Hyaaa, it shocked me of. Really. Tadi udah dateng ke sekolah buat latian EHH si SATPAM yang URRRRGGH!!!!! bikin bete gag ngebolehin masuk. Tai. Akhirnya kak fina sama ka aisyah terus ngomong ke si satpam itu. Sampe akhirnya di bolehin jugaaaa! hahaha. Tapi cuma boleh sampe jam 10 doang. Hmm, gapapa laaah.

Gue gag tau kenapa, tiba2 pas lari2 kaki gue sakiiiiit nya minta ampun kaya lagi diinjek. hmm, tetep lari dah gue paksaain. Daripada entar dimarahin lebih guawat lagi. Hahahah.

yaa, selesai latihan kira2 jam 1an gitu deh. Sepet main sebentar. Seruuuu. hahah. Nah pas main, kaki gue udah mulai gag sakit lagi. Haha. enyak enyak enyaaak.

Hmm, terus gue sempet denger gitu jadwal latihannya. GUE SHOOOCK MEEEN. Ternyata kita turnamen Nasakom hari selasa. PADAHAAAL, hari selasaa gue sekelas mau ke DUFAAAN. TIDAAAAK. Gue milih yang mana. Sampe sekarang gue masih bingung. Kalo milih Turnamen kasian temen2 padahal gue udah bilang pasti jadi pasti jadi. Kalo milih DUFAN, gue rada gimana gitu. Udah gag enak sama yang lain, udah gitu, gue udah nuggu2 kesempatan buat turnamen inii. Haduuh setengah mampus gue bingung. Any suggest?

Oyaaa btw, today is LILI'S birthdaaay. happy birthday lili.. mana tadi ujan sempet aja ngelemparin si lili pake telor tepung. Ditambah guyuran hujan yang aduhaaaai. hahaha. Basah kuyup deh gue sama yang lain(gue, alya, wim, cintra, L, Vayesh ais, dll dst). HAHAHAHAA.

Okaaay c ya in next posting :)

good girl gone bad

hmm, harusnya hari ini gue ada Semut(Seminar Keputrian) sii..
Tapi karena lagi mualesnya banget2 an gue kabur deh sama alyaaaa. Hahhaha. Maaf ya hanaaaaaan :))
Padahal gue sama Alya kan anak baik(cuih...hahaha) Ya kan hal? hahaha.
Jadi gini.
Tadi pas pulang sekolah yang cewe-cewe ngumpul di kelas nungguin seminar itu, terus karena kelamaan akhirnya gue udah muales banget, ngantuk, laper dan lain-lain gue akhirnya berniat pulang sama beberapa temen gue. Kita tungguin aja tuh di depan kelas kapan si Pintu Gerbang sialan itu kebuka, haha. Sampe akhirnya si Gerbang itu terbukaaaaaaa. Hahaha. Gue Ara sama Alya langsung WUUUUUUUUUUUUSH ke arah gerbang. Dengan kecepatan 400km/jam(lebay tau gueee..), kita tetep terus lari ke arah gerbang. Dan sampe akhirnya kami semua LOLOOOOOS!! Hahaha!! Gue sama Alya langsung aja naik 61 biar kagak di kejar lagi tuh ama pak satpam penjaga Pintu Gerbang.

Di angkot, tiba2 si Alya bilang:

Alya: Eh pi ke cimol yuk?

Gue: hmm cimol? oke daaah.

Alya: Makan es teleeeer yaa. sama sekalian nyari GoGirl! hahahah.

Gue: hahaha iye dahh.

Timbullah niat bejat kami untuk ke cimol. Baru kali itu gue bener2 cabut. Haha mampir2 pula. Asiiik dah. Tapi akhirnya si gue gag jadi beli es teler, karena MUAHAAAL E REEEK. Jadinya ke McD deh beli Sprite sama Coke.

Okaay c ya in next posting :)

kudaku sayang, kudaku malang

on 7 Mei 2009

hmm, gue sedang bersedih hati. hik hik.
kuda gue udah gue pecahin barusaaaaaaaaaaan aja. karena gue udah gag tahan mau ngambil duit yang ada di dalemnyaa, hahaha. yayay, kuda di sini itu celengan gue yang bentuknya kuda warna kuniiiiing. hahahah.

Jadi ceritanya gini. Habis pulang dari basket, gue ngeliat si celengan gue itu udah minta di ancurin aja, padahal dia juga isinya masih dikit banget. Tapi setelah liat si muka celengan kuda gue itu melaaaaaaaas banget kaya kuda yang belum makan berhari2(lebaaaaaaay), akhirnya dengan nama Allah yang maha pengasih lagi maha penyayang, gue mencoba mengancurkan celengan dengan cara membantingnya. Tapi pas hampir mau gue banting, terdengarlah suara:

Mba atin : hee, deen divy, mau diapan celengan kudanyaaa?? *histeris

Gue : Mau dipecahin mba. Mau ngambil duit di dalemnya. Lagi bokek kantong kering..gyahaha

Mba atin : haduuh deen, sayang bangeet, kudanya kan lucu(wtf, gag lucu tau kudanya weirdo gitu haha). mending di bolongin aja jangan dibantiiing.

Gue : (berpikir sejenak) hmm, yaudah deh mba. Gimana caranya?

Si mba ku ini langsung lari ke dapur. Balik2, dia udah ngebawa piso.

Gue : Heeeeeeeeee mbaaa. jangan bunuh saya!

Mba atin : ya ampun den. ya gag lah. Ini buat ngebolongin celengannya..

Gue : hoo(tetep gag ngerti. bayangin aja, masa bolongin celengan dari keramik pake ujung piso)

Si mba ini pun berjongkok ngambil celengan yang udah ditaro. Ehhh ternyata eh ternyata, dia pake bagian gagangnya buat bolooongin. Dan sampe akhirnya bolong deh tu celengan. keluarlah semua isi oerut si celengan kuda naas itu. Semoga arwahmu di terima di sisi Allah SWT ya celengan kuda kuningku :((

Gue dan mba gue pun hitung menghitung. Berapa yee. kira2 gue nabung selama 1 bulan ini? Rada pusing sih, banyak recehan soalnya, HAHAH. maklum.
Oke countdown hasil tabungan gue







Dan hasilnya adalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah............


Rp235.800,- HAHAHA. cukup banyaaaak.
gag nyesel juga gue udah nabung. Tadinya pingin beli IPhone sih, tapi gag tau deh jadi apa gag. Jadi gag minat lagi siiih. Hahaha

Okaaay c ya in the next posting :)

I'm waiting for December 13th. LOL

on 29 Apr 2009

Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to copy and paste and answer these questions about yourself. You have to tag your friends then.

1. What time did you get up this morning? 6.30 AM

2. Diamonds or pearls? pearls

3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Knowing

4. What is your favorite TV show? All of the maybe. LOL

5. What do you usually have for breakfast? nothing

6. What is your middle name? Sierra

7. What food do you dislike?any kind of vegetables

8. What is your favorite CD at moment? Disaster Movie. LOL

9. What kind of car do you drive? i haven't drive

10. Favorite sandwich? Wendy's

11. What characteristic do you despise? Bullshit, Liar

12. Favorite item of clothing? skinny jeans, T-shirt

13. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? france and bali

14. Favorite brand of clothing? I don't know. LOL

15. Where would you retire to? france

16. What was your most recent memorable birthday? Junior High Graduated

17. Favorite sport to watch? basketball

18. When is your birthday? December 13th

19. Are you a morning person or a night person? night person. LOL

20. What is your shoe size? 39-40-41 Depends on

21. Pets? Nope

22. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with us? I had once become a prom queen when I was in junior high. Shit. That's not funny at all.

23. What did you want to be when you were little?doctor

24. How are you today? bad mooooooooood

25. What is your favorite candy? kopiko

26. What is your favorite flower? yellow and blue rose

27. What is a day on the calendar you are looking forward to? December 13th 2009

28. What are you listening to right now? A little too not over you-David Archuletta

29. What was the last thing you ate? donuts

30. Do you wish on stars? sometimes

31. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? yellow

32. How is the weather right now?sunny

33. The first person you spoke to on the phone today? none

34. Favorite soft drink? coke

35. Favorite restaurant? anykind of

36. Real hair color? black

37. What was your favorite toy as a child? barbie dolls

38. Summer or winter? winter

39. Hugs or kisses? both

40. Chocolate or Vanilla? chocolate

41. Coffee or tea? tea

42. When was the last time you cried? forgot. LOL

43. What is under your bed? floor

44. What did you do last night? slept

45. What are you afraid of? ghost and those stuffs

46. Salty or sweet? sweet

47. How many keys on your key ring? i don't have any

48. Favorite day of the week? saturday

49. How many towns have you lived in? 3

50. Do you make friends easily? a little

51. Favorite animal? caaaat. LOL



Haaaaaaa, akhirnya gue selesai juga baca Shopaholic & Baby. It was really a great book! You'll not regret it at all! Sekaramg gue lagi lanjutin baca Shopaholic Ties the Knot. Padahal harusnya gue baca yang Ties the Knot dulu, yah tapi waktu itu gag ada.

Sebenernya kali ini gue bukannya mau nyampein hal gag penting ini.
Soo back to the topic..

My ex-boyfriend got an accident maaan! Padahal harusnya senin kemaren di ikut UN smp. ckck. Emang dasar anaknya nge-Bandel sih. Yang gue tau dari temennya, tangan dia patah, geez.
Sampe akhirnya dia gag bisa ikut UN. Gue gag tau gimana ke depannya nanti. Lagian dia gue telponin berkali-kali gag diangkaaaat. Get well soon yaaa :D Semoga bisa ikut ujian susulan. Maaf banget ya gag bisa jenguk..

Ada satu hal lagi..
Hari ini UN SMP selesaaaaai.
Semoga si Jaka dapet total nilai 40! Jadi gue dibellin pulsa deh 100rb sama dia, HA!
Love you soooo much, bestie :D

oyaa, buat ade2 kelas, semoga nilainya pada bagus-bagus yaaa.
Gerbang kelulusan udah terbuka buat kalian semua..
Dan gerbang SMA udah siap menerima anak-anak berprestasi!!
Viel Erfolg!

Rosalia Lombardo "Sleeping Beauty as she's known"

on 24 Apr 2009

Sekitar kemaren siang, gue baca majalah temen gue. Ada artikel yang bikin gue tertarik banget sampe akhirnya gue nyari sedetail-detailnya si sleeping beauty. Tentang mumi seorang anak kecil yang berumur 2 tahun yang bernama Rosalia Lombardo, sicilian girl sejak tahun 1920 yang katanya mati karena Pneumonia. Sampai sekarang jasad dia terbaring cantik di Capuchin Catacombs of Palermo, Italy. Diketahui berkat zat-zat yang ada di tubuh anak perempuan ini(formalin, zinc salts, alcohol, salicylic acid, and glyceri) tubuhnya masih utuh di sebuah tempat yang sekelilingnya terbuat dari kaca(coffin that made of glasses). Really, She is soooo beautiful and gorgeus, isn't she?

Supaya lebih detail baca artikel di bawah ini aja okee :)

January 26, 2009--She's one of the world's best-preserved bodies: Rosalia Lombardo, a two-year-old Sicilian girl who died of pneumonia in 1920. "Sleeping Beauty," as she's known, appears to be merely dozing beneath the glass front of her coffin in the Capuchin Catacombs of Palermo, Italy.

Now an Italian biological anthropologist, Dario Piombino-Mascali of the Institute for Mummies and the Iceman in Bolzano, has discovered the secret formula that preserved Rosalia's body so well. (Piombino-Mascali is funded by the National Geographic Society's Expeditions Council. National Geographic News is owned by the National Geographic Society.)

Piombino-Mascali tracked down living relatives of Alfredo Salafia, a Sicilian taxidermist and embalmer who died in 1933. A search of Salafia's papers revealed a handwritten memoir in which he recorded the chemicals he injected into Rosalia's body: formalin, zinc salts, alcohol, salicylic acid, and glycerin.

Formalin, now widely used by embalmers, is a mixture of formaldehyde and water that kills bacteria. Salafia was one of the first to use this for embalming bodies. Alcohol, along with the arid conditions in the catacombs, would have dried Rosalia's body and allowed it to mummify. Glycerin would have kept her body from drying out too much, and salicylic acid would have prevented the growth of fungi.

But it was the zinc salts, according to Melissa Johnson Williams, executive director of the American Society of Embalmers, that were most responsible for Rosalia's amazing state of preservation. Zinc, which is no longer used by embalmers in the United States, petrified Rosalia's body.

"[Zinc] gave her rigidity," Williams said. "You could take her out of the casket prop her up, and she would stand by herself."

Piombino-Mascali calls the self-taught Salafia an artist: "He elevated embalming to its highest level."

Learn more about Rosalia in National Geographic magazine's "Sicily Crypts".

—Karen Lange

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Alay tingkatan advance

yaaa, akhirnya gue jadi lhooo nonton Disney On Ice. MKKB banget gue di sana. Masa gue dadahin kegirangan gitu gue. Hmm, sebenernya, topik kali ini bukan itu..

Sooo, back to topic.

Yak, kemaren gue dan temen2 cinem bikin fildok. Hmm teruuus. Aduh gue gag bisa ceritain dengan detail. Ini hasil tulisan karya bolang yang gue copy paste dari faceboook dia. You'll LOLing when read this out:
nb: Gue di cerita maksudnya adalah Bolang.

Alay tingkat Advance dan Winony yang dipuja

Baru aja terjadi tadi siang menjelang sore. Gue kan ada tugas sinematografi gitu tentang budaya jakarta, jadi kita take take interview orang orang awam buat theme itu. Berhentilah gue di sebuah taman kota di daerah Manggarai gitu deket Halimun. Sumpah meen gue, divy, gomat, lili, winony, ardam keluar dari mobilnya divy dengan binalnya trus lari lari sambil nenteng nenteng kamera (yg gede buat ngerekam-red) ngejar ngejar anak berbaju sekolah yang lagi nongkrong disitu ampe dikira sama pedagang pedagang disitu kalo kita TIM TERMEHEK MEHEK. ajegile. Akhirnya kita berhasil 'menangkap' (biar keliatan lbh dramatis) salah satu anak sekolah yang lg nongkrong sama tmn-tmnnya. Namanya ... ehm.... LUPA NANYA (pdhl asik tuh kalo knl bisa kontekkontekan) nah setelah ijin tetebengek gitu akhirnya kita mulai take. gue, sebagai sang kameramen; lili dan divy, sebagai reporter; dan si gadis anak sekolah (SGAS) mulai beraksi..gue : ayoyo mulai take. camera rolling ACTION ! (smbl ngerekam)

lili : jadi mbak tau ga berberapa budaya yang ada di jakarta ?

SGAS : tau dooong (pede) ada tari gitu kan mbaklili : oh yaya, mbak ada ekskul ky gitu ga di sekolahnya ato pernah ikut kegiatan kaya gitu ?

SGAS : pernah. itumah dari gue SD kali yak (sambil gerak gerak ga jelas depan kamera)

lili : coba mbak nyanyiin dong lagu betawi dong!

SGAS : apaan ? kicir-kicir yak ? (dan nyanyi deh tu anak. guys, one thing that i have to tell you, suaranya fals men. mana pamerin pin j-rocks gitu lagi) Eh jangan lupa ya syut yg ini nih (pamerin pin j-rocks di bajunya) VIVA J ROCKS !!!

gue & semua crew : (wadefak?) yaudah deh (speechless) makasih ya mbak

belum kelar ternyata dia ngomong

SGAS :eh rekam ini juga dong

(dia ke tengah jalan dan nyetop mobil bak. dikira mo ngapain. EH TERNYATA DIA MAU NUMPANG PULANG. katanya biar pulangnya ada efek dramatisnya. tapi gajadi soalnya ga dibolehin sama supirnya. yaaaah gajadi efek dramatisnya ya mbak?)

gue & semua crew : i..i..iya deh mbak

dan langsung ngabur naik mobil divy. kita langsung ke arah Halimun ke tempat ka Putri mau ngembaliin kamera ketika dalam perjalanan KITA KETEMU LAGI TU SI SGAS ALAY DI MOBIL BAK(akhirnya dapat tumpangan juga ya mbak). kita kira sih bukan soalnya masa sih secepet itu dia nyusul ? tapi gomat meyakini kalo itu si mbateng dan bener aja, pas lampu merah dia nongol BERDIRI di bak mobil. serasa di titanic.alay men.kocak banget dah sumpah kita ampe ketawa ngakak. sumpah ya tu cewek alaynya tingkat tinggi ngalain lili yang selama gue tau dialah yg plg alay di kelas gue. tapi gara-gara si SGAS, mata batin gue jadi terbuka lebar tentang dunia alay. ketahuilah teman, alay yang kami temukan amat sangat parah dan merajalela. lili mah belum ada apa-apanya. ibarat si SGAS uda level advance mau lulus, si lili masih beginner.lanjut cerita. kita masih belum puas sama interviewnya (yaiyalah, waktunya abis buat ketawa gara gara si mbateng) makanya kita inisiatif ngambil gambar di taman Halimun deket sama rumahnya ka Putri. niatnya kita mau ngetake remaja cowok lagi main kicir kicir pake gitar. eh dianya nolak.

trus ada yang nyeletuk..."kalo yang minta itu (nunjuk winony) pasti mau deh"efeknya, winony tiba-tiba ngacir. katanya mau beli gorengan. tapi gue tau win, lo mau ngindar. haha. cie WINONY DITAKSIR SAMA TU COWO. hahaah sinematografi... itutu yang disebut dengan faktor x. haha

Hahha, begitulah ceritany. Thanx banget Bolaaang atas ceritamu. tetep gue tulis kan pengarangnya siapaa. hehehe.

Semoga kalian gag pernah melakukan hal sebodoh dan setolol SGAS. Sumpah itu ngalay nya bukan main. Bukan Alay malah, tapi kampungan. Hahahahahha

okaaay, c ya in next posting :)

songs of my life

on 21 Apr 2009

these are few of the musics of my life. yeaa, my life is sooo musical. Apalagi lovelife gue. -___-

"...Why don't you stay I'm down on my knees I'm so tired of being lonely Don't I give you what you need When she calls you to go There is one thing you should know We don't have to live this way
Baby, why don't you stay..."
  • (Sugarland-Stay)
"...When you love someone, and they break your heart Don’t give up on love, have faith, restart Just hold on,
hold on Hold on, hold on..."
  • (Jonas Brothers-Hold On)
"...All i wanna do is find a way back into love I can make it through without a way back into love, And if I open my heart again
I guess I'm hopping you'll be there for me in the end..."
  • (Hugh Grant & Drew Barrymore-Way Back Into Love)
These are just a few of many. Really, my life is sooo musical.
Seems, My life can live without music.
Okaay c ya in next posting :)

sorry :')

on 20 Apr 2009

Akhir-akhir ini gue kangen banget sama exboy. Hmm, udah lama ga contact2 an sama dia. Miss him so much, no words i can say. Maybe this several songs reminds me of him. Some hurts and some fun. Everything mixed up. Still. i love you sooo much 'till now, sorry :')

  • Miley Cyrus-I Miss You

Sha-la-la-la-la, sha-la-la-la-la
You used to call me your angel
Said I was sent straight down from heaven
You'd hold me close in your arms
I loved the way you felt so strong
I never wanted you to leave
I wanted you to stay here holding me
I miss you
I miss your smile
And I still shed a tear
Every once in a while
And even though it's different now
You're still here somehow
My heart won't let you go
And I need you to know
Imiss you, sha la la la la
I miss you
You used to call me your dreamer
And now I'm living out my dream
Oh how I wish you could see
Everything that's happening for me
I'm thinking back on the past
It's true that time is flying by too fast
[CHORUS]I know you're in a better place, yeah
But I wish that I could see your face, oh
I know you're where you need to be
Even though it's not here with me
(I miss you)
  • Miley Cyrus-7th thing
I probably shouldn't say this
But at times I get so scared
When I think about the previous
Relationship we shared
It was awesome but we lost it
It's not possible for me not to care
And now we're standing in the rain
But nothing's ever gonna change
Until you hear, my dear
The 7 things I hate about you!
The 7 things I hate about you, oh you
You're vain, your games, you're insecure
You love me, you like her
You make me laugh, you make me cry
I don't know which side to buy
Your friends, they're jerks
When you act like them, just know it hurts
I wanna be with the one I know
And the 7th thing I hate the most that you do
You make me love you
It's awkward and silent
As I wait for you to say
What I need to hear now
Your sincere apology
When you mean it, I'll believe it
If you text it, I'll delete it
Let's be clear
Oh, I'm not coming back
You're taking 7 steps here
The 7 things I hate about you!
You're vain, your games, you're insecure
You love me, you like her
You make me laugh, you make me cry
I don't know which side to buy
Your friends, they're jerks
When you act like them, just know it hurts
I wanna be with the one I know
And the 7th thing I hate the most that you do
You make me love you
And compared to all the great things
That would take too long to write
I probably should mention the 7 that I like
The 7 things I like about you!
Your hair, your eyes, your old Levi's
When we kiss I'm hypnotized
You make me laugh, you make me cry
But I guess that's both I'll have to buy
Your hands in mineWhen we're intertwined, everything's alright
I wanna be with the one I know
And the 7th thing I like most that you do
You make me love you, you do
  • Miley Cyrus-Bottom of the Ocean

It's been in the past for a while now
I get a flash and I smile
Am I crazy?
Still miss you babyI
t was real, it was right
But it burned too hot to survive
And all that's left is
All the ashesChorus
Where does the love go?
I don't know
When it's all said and done
How could I be losing you forever?
After all the time we spent together
I don't know why I have to lose you
Now you've just become
Like everything I'll never find again
At the bottom of the ocean

In a dream you appeared
For awhile you were here
So I'll keep sleeping
Just to keep you with me
I'll draw a map, connect the dots
Will all the memories that I got
That I've been missingI'll keep re-living
You don't have to love me for me
To, baby, ever understand
Just know I love the time we both had
And I don't ever want to see you sad
Be happy
And I don't wanna hold you
If you don't wanna tell me you love me babe
Just know I'm gonna have to walk away
I'll be big enough for both of us to say
Be happy
  • Miley Cyrus-Goodbye

I can honestly say you've been on my mind
Since I woke up today, up today
I look at your photograph all the time
These memories come back to life
And I don't mind
I remember when we kissed
I still feel it on my lips
The time that you danced with me
With no music playing
I remember the simple things
I remember til I cry
But the one thing
I wish I'd forget
The memory I wanna forget
Is goodbye
I woke up this morning
And played our song
And through my tears
I sang alongI picked up the phone and then put it down
Cause I know I'm wasting my time
And I don't mind
Suddenly my cell phone's blowing up
With your ringtone
I hesitate but answer it anyway
You sound so alone
And I'm surprised to hear you say
You remember when we kissed
You still feel it on your lips
That time that you danced with me
With no music playing
You remember the simple things
We talked til we cried
You said that your biggest regret
The one thing you wish
I'd forget
Is saying goodbye
Saying goodbyeGoodbye
P.S: I love you so muchhh dear. Still.
Okay c yaa in next posting :')

Shopie Kinsella's Books

These are the cover books. See how great they are? I them all

Shopie Kinsella's Awesome Books

yeaah, totally. Now, i'm reading shopie kinsella's books.They are totally great! I think they're about 8 books, and I WANT TO READ THEM ALL! NONO, I HAVE TO READ THEM ALL. LOL.

These are the book's tittles:

  • Confession of a Shopaholic
  • Shopaholic Abroad
  • Shopaholic Ties he Knot
  • Shopaholic & Sister
  • Shopaholic & Baby
  • Can you keep a secret?
  • The Undomestic Goddes
  • Remember Me?
The Confession of a Shopaholic 'till Shopaholic & Baby are continuing story. The main character is Becky Bloomwood who really loves tho shop all the time. And the other, i haven't know the details. But as soon as possible, i'll read them all. I'd have only buy the Shoapholic & baby, and it haven't finish yet. It is a greaat book. I wasn't regret it at all to buy that book even though i have to spend IDR120.00o to buy only 1 book. Greeaat. I have to buy the others. I won't miss it. How bout you guys? YOU ALL HAVE TO BUY IT TOO! :D

Okaay c ya in next posting :)


on 17 Apr 2009

Knowing ternyata keren banget ya. Sejenis kode2 tentang end of the world gitu. Gag bisa nerka tadi gue endingnya bakal gmana. Wajib nonton deh lo semua. Gue kira film apaan gitu. Tadi guw devita sama ais nonton knowing di Penvil. Ahuahu, telat gue dateng gara2 tadi kagak ada yg nganterin. Tapi akhrnya ad jg yang nganterin. Ahuahua. Tadi juga buanyak bgt ketemu anak2 28 yang lain. Sempet serem juga, hahaha. Abis nntn itu, si devita pulang gag mau ikt nntn lagi, yaudah gue dan ais melanjutkan kegilaan kami dengan nntn fast and furios 4( bagi gue lagi ). Baaaah, seru bgt. Ayoooo kalian semua wajib nntn KNOWING sama FAST AND FURIOS!!!!

Okaaaay c ya in next posting(sori rada gag jelas postingnya, pake hp sih. Ahuahuahu)

5 facts about me (and by the way, happy bithday :) )

on 13 Apr 2009

heem, i got homework from ais. ugyaaaa.
Okay the 5 facts about me :

1. REALLY A CHATTERBOX! gag bisa diem. Banyak bacot, banyak tingkah, gag tau malu alias urat malu putus.

2. Kalo ke sekolah(SMA 28) niatnya 75% mau ketemu temen-temen dan "dia", 25% buat belajar, ahuahua

3. Sangan suka Es TehManis. Lo tanya dah mba gue, sehari gue bisa minum 3 gelas gede es teh manis. Ck, gimana gue gag bulet geneh. ahuahua.

4. Suka baca buku. Anykind of books. Tapi Tidak buku pelajaran.. heeem.

5. Sangat cinta basket! Baah, i loooveee basket. Tidur aja brg bola basket gue yang udah butek itu. ahuahuahua

Okaay, ya'll know bout me. tag for Gomat, Bolang Jani :)

Oyaaaaaaa, by the waay. Today is my best friend's BIRTHDAAAY! Happy birthday Muhammad Andika Jaka Daniswara yang ganteeeng. Ah padahal tadinya ngambek (dikasitau harits), padahal pingin bikin surprise biar jadi org terakhir yg ngucapin happy birthday ke dia. Grr, gag jadi deh kalo dia ngmbek. Ugyaaa, happy birthday ya gantteng. Aku doain supaya kamu pas UN berjalan lancar dan dapat jumlah nilai 40! Jadi nilai kamu 4 mta pelajaran 10 semua! amiiiin :) Love youuu bestiee :)


on 11 Apr 2009

Gossshhhh! Finally, I watched FAST AND FURIOS 4!. Totally, that film was soooooo great. I loveee that film sooo much. Seems I wanna watch it again again and again. But that is only one from all the movies that I want to watch. I still HAVE TO watch Knowing (codes stuffs), Angels and Demons ( I’ve seen the trailer, it seems great), The Secrets of a Moonacre ( imagination movie, director from the Bridge of Terabithia ), Crank 2 ( I still have to watch the first though ). And many movies I want to watch. Those are just a fiew of all :p Any one will watch it with me? Lol.

Oh by the way, have you all watched DRAGONBALL ? . I LOVE the GOKUUUU! He is soo handsome. He is Justin Chatwin. He is my second dream boy after MR. HOTTIEST, MR EDWARD CULLEN! Hahha. Don’t worry Skandar, I still love you soo much too. I’m a little bit obsessed with those guys. They’re cool. But I don’t like Daniel radcllife like other girls though. Better Ruppert Grint than him. LOL.

These are the hottiest guys ever according to me :

  • Mr. Edward Cullen (not robbert pattinson, I ain’t like him)
  • Justin Chatwin
  • Skandar Keynes
  • William Mosley (brothers os skandar in Narnia)

And these are Greatest Ladies according to me:

  • Kirsten Stewart ( Isabella Cullen )
  • Bulma ( I forgot her real name )
  • Emma Watson
  • Dakota Fanning

Just don’t be angry if your idols aren’t in my list, because they are according to me, not you. lol.

Okaaay, c ya in next posting.

Miss my messed up blog

on 8 Apr 2009

Yaaa blogwalkers dan blogreaders, lama tak berjumpaaa. Seteleh selesai TF 2 terakhir penentuan gue naik kelas apa gag, gue baru bis posting lagi. kangan banget gue dah lama gag posting. hahaha. Nilai-nilai gue? hmm, jelek. tapi lumayan ningkat dari TF kemaren. Kemaren-kemaren gue remed sampe 10, sekarang gue remed berkurang jadi 6, haha, ningkat dikit laaaah. Tapi masih aja ada yang harus remed lagi..(emang dasar bego ya gue, zzz)


Gue jadi bingung mau posting apa. Gue ngerjain PR yang dari blog gomat aja deh, hahha.

1. Last beverage? noodles (not only one but less than 3, with eggs and chiliiiiiiii)

2. Last phone call? grandpa
3. Last text message? mom
4. Last song you listened to? Lady Gaga-Poker Face
5. Last time you cried? yesterday, because, i can't do my physics test, f*ck

6. Dated someone twice? Nope :)
7. Been cheated on? Often did it LOL
8. Kissed someone & regretted it? Neveeeeer
9. Lost someone special? Yep, I still love him so much :(
10. Been depressed? ALWAYS :((
11. Been drunk? Never and won't!

12. Yellow
13. Blue
14. Black

15. Made new friends ? Lot of :)
16. Fallen out of love ? hm, yeaaah
17. Laughed until you cried ? ALWAYS (anyone like me? hahaha)
18. Met someone who changed you? Yeaaaahm lot of not only one :)
19. Found out who your true friends were? Yeaaaah X)
20. Found out someone was talking about you? Hm, nope.
21. Kissed anyone on your friend's list? No, i think :p

22. What time do you usually come home from school? lately 5 p.m. Early 3 p.m
23. How many kids do you want to have? 2 enough. Boy and girl :)
24. Do you have any pets? yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah :)))
25. Do you want to change your name? Nope, i love my name . It's unique :)
26. What did you do for your last birthday? Nothing
27. What time did you wake up today? 5.30 am
28. What were you doing at midnight last night? online for facebook
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for? Up Grade at school and being in XI IPS this year :)
30. Last time you saw your father? long time no see...
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life? my dreams come true :)
32. What are you listening to right now? I can't live-in spanish version
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom? Nope.
34. What's getting on your nerves right now? Naik kelas apa gag ya gue?
35. What do you think about Economy? Great. And i want to becoma an accountant :)
36. Whats your real name? Divy Sierra Decendra
37. Relationship Status? Single and Happy
38. English or French? English
39. Male or female? female
40. Elementary? SD Tugu Ibu Depok, SDN 011 Langgini Bangkinang, SDN 001 Rintis pekanbaru
41. Middle School? SMP Negeri 4 Pekanbaru, GLOBAL MANDIRI JUNIOR HIGH :D
42. High school? 28 senior high school :(
43. Hair color? black
44. Long or short? pretty long. shoulder.
45. Height? 156cm maybe
46. Do you have a crush on someone? Nope
47. What do you like about yourself? The way i talk :)
48. Piercings? Yeaaah of course. I got it in my ears. Girls use earings right?
49. Tattoos? Nope.
50. Righty or lefty? Righty.

51. First surgery? Nope
52. First piercing? baby
53. First tattoo? Never. I'm clean
54. First best friend? alice & grace in tadika puri, where are you guys ? :(
55. First sport you joined? Soccer :D
56. First pet? Hamster
57. First vacation? Bali
58. First impression about your school? Nice.
59. First crush? Bahaha... it's my privacy.

60. Reading? Ya. Reading this posting.
61. Eating? No
62. Drinking? No
63. I'm about to? Grandma's birthday party
64. Listening to? Nothing
65. Waiting for? the long holiday!
66. Want kids? of course
67. Want to get married? Yeah
68. Careers in mind? accountant, politician, president,

69. Lips or eyes? eyes
70. Hugs or kisses? Both
71. Shorter or taller? Taller
72. Older or Younger? Older or Younger okay :)
73. Romantic or spontaneous ? Spontaneous
74. Nice stomach or nice arms? Nice attitudes
75. Tattoos or piercings? NOPE
76. Sensitive or loud? Loud
77. Hook-up or relationship? relationship
78. Trouble maker or hesitant? trouble maker hahahahha

79. Kissed a stranger? No
80. Drank hard liquor? No
81. Lost glasses/contacts? yeah often
82. Sex on first date? Nope
83. Broken someone's heart? I think no
84. Had your own heart broken? yeah, and always
85. Been arrested? No
86. Turned someone down? don't know
87. Cried when someone died? yeah :( mr.rasyiddd, i miss youuuu my gratefully teacher :( )
88. Liked a friend that is a girl? ????????????

89. Yourself? Of Course!
90. Miracles? Yeaaah
91. Love at first sight? Yep, until now
92. Heaven? Tes of course
93. Santa Claus? No, fake only.
94. Kissing on the first date? No.
95. Angels? Yep :D

96. Is there one person you want to be with right now? Yeah, myexboyfriend :(
97. Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time? Never
98. Do you believe its possible to remain faithful forever? Yeaaaaah
99. What's the one thing you cannot live without? My besties and family
100. Who is the most awesome kid ever? Me, Edward Cullen, Justin Chatwin, Skandar Keynes, William Mosley. Hhahahaha

Soo, you have seen 100 thruts about me. How's it? I answered it with heart you know. LOL.

Okaay, c ya in next posting :)